Our mission is freedom.
Our mission here is to achieve true freedom and have fun while doing it. Life shouldn't be the stress of loosing your home everyday or wondering if your going to be able to feed your kids tonight, it should happiness and we know life's not all happiness but financial freedom and being with people you love and adore can get you pretty damn close. join us and become truly free.
We're all connected
We're all connected through the seven seas our agency members range from all over the world but are connected through the stars. We are a big family with unbreakable bonds and were always growing so join the fun.

Long lasting legacy
A legacy will be built and passed down from this agency for many years to come leaving future generations with the freedom to live but also to build on and continue it on to the generation after them and so on luminousnexus will be known as the agency who which truly became free from the burdens of this world were going to be around for a long time we'd love to have you apart of our remarkable journey one more thing stay kind and be free.